Available for Hire
Rabble have a select number of items available for hire at very reasonable rates. They are all items from previous shows.
Costumes are child sizes.
Costume Items
Six (ish) Ostrich Feather Fans, - showgirl size
25 Sparkly Tops Hats
Mortar Boards (graduation in Fame)
Rabble have the following back cloths available to hire, currently stored at the Abbey Theatre, Nuneaton.
Please contact us for more details.
Grease - Diner (Burger Palace) 50's style
Alice Enchanted Forest
Aladdin / Joseph - Sand Dunes / Desert
Generic Cloudy Meadow
Annie - Orphanage / Schoolroom
Annie - Warbucks Mansion
Back Cloths
Jewish Hats / Spanish Hats (used in 13)
Sparkly collars used for Beauty School Drop Out - Grease
selected baseball caps for Honk! multiple colours

New York Back Street (photo coming soon)